A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Video Assisted Teaching (VAT) on Nasogastric Tube Feeding Regarding Knowledge and Practice of Staff Nurses Working in Selected Hospitals, Hassan, Karnataka
Nasogastric tube feeding, Video assisted teaching, Knowledge, Practice, Effectiveness and Staff nursesAbstract
Background and Objectives: Nutrition is the science of food and its relationship to health. It is concerned primarily with the part played by nutrients in body growth, development and maintains. When the person was unable to take oral feeding. Nasogastric tube feeding is a common method of maintaining or improving nutritional status in patients who are unable to take sufficient nutrition orally. Nasogastric tube feeding is a basic nursing care in caring the patients. Nurses play a vital role in care of the patients with nasogastric tube feeding. Nurses are responsible to take care of nasogastric tube and she must feed the patient properly. And also they must have adequate knowledge and better practice in order to bring positive outcome of the patient. The objectives of the study 1. To assess the level of knowledge and practice regarding NGTF among experimental and control group in terms of pretest score. 2. To develop and implement VAT on NGTF to the experimental group. 3. To assess the posttest knowledge and practice scores between experimental and control group, to evaluate the effectiveness of video assisted teaching. 4. To find out the association between the knowledge and practice scores with their selected demographic variables. Method: A study was an evaluative approach with pretest-posttest control group design.60 staff nurses were selected for the study using purposive sampling technique and distributed equally to the experimental and control group. The data was collected by using structured questionnaire and observational checklist on NGTF. The study was conducted in two hospitals of Hassan. Results: The findings of the study indicated that over all mean pretest knowledge and practice score was 40.20% and 46.38% in experimental group and 38.50% and 46.0% in control group respectively. The mean posttest knowledge and practice in experimental group was 87.60% and 90.36%, where as in control group was 40% and 40.80% and the independent ‘t’ value was 15.7 in knowledge aspect and 15.3 in practice aspect when p<0.001. There was significantly increase in the level of knowledge and practice in experimental group after the VAT. Hence the finding signifies that the VAT was effective in enhancing the knowledge and practice of staff nurses. Interpretation and conclusion: Both descriptive and inferential statistics was employed to analyze the data. The data analysis was carried out on the basis of objectives and hypothesis of the study and has been presented on the sample characteristics with knowledge and practice level. Overall mean pretest knowledge and practice score was 40.20% and 46.38% in experimental group and 38.50% and 46% in control group. The mean posttest knowledge and practice score in experimental group was 87.60% and 90.36% and in control group 40% and 40.80% respectively. Knowledge and practice of staff nurses regarding NGTF was less than 50% before the administration of VAT in both the groups. And it was more than 50% in experimental group after the administration of VAT. There was no association between knowledge and practice level with selected demographic variables. The independent‘t’ value (15.7 in knowledge and 15.3 in practice) was greater than the table value when p<0.001 level of significance. This indicated that VAT was significantly effective in increasing the knowledge and practice level of staff nurses.
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