An Exploratory Study to Assess the Knowledge and Attitude Regarding Nosocomial Infection Amongst Nurses working in Civil Hospital, Jalandhar


  • Anoop Masih Sandhu
  • Pawan Kumar


Infection, Nosocomial infection, Knowledge, Attitude, Hospital


Introduction: Hospital Infection – also called „Nosocomial Infection‟ affects both patient and hospital. The term „Nosocomial‟ is derived from the Greek word “NosoKomeion”, meaning health care facility. The English word Nosocomial is derived from the Greek work meaning „Hospital‟. Therefore a nosocomial infection is one that is acquired while in hospital or other health agency [1]. Nosocomial infections are very common in both, developed and developing countries. Hospital acquired infections are unnecessary burden to patients as well as for public health department. These are responsible for many deaths and increased morbidity rate in indoor patients. Nosocomial infections may cause functional disability, emotional, psychological and physiological stress and may reduce the quality of life of the client [2]. They not only affect the general health condition of the patients, but they also results in financial instability. The greatest contributor of the financial instability in the patients with nosocomial infections is a longer duration of stay in the hospital premises. The duration of stay varies from 3 days for gynecological procedures to about 20 days for orthopedic procedures and about 30 days for general surgery cases. Other costs include drugs, isolation, and the use of other alternative /complimentary therapies [3]. The three issues which face any patient contemplating treatment in India, namely, how safe is the blood at the hospital, what‟s the state of nursing and post-operative care and what‟s the rate of infection needed to be addressed and it of adherence to these infection control policies that India is not gaining worldwide acceptance as a main player field of medical Tourism [4]. An effective hospital infection control programme would benefit patients and their care and release considerable resources for alternative use. In India, results from many studies conducted by private hospital conclude the rate of Hospital Acquired Infection at 20-25% in agreement with WHO figures. The issues of hospital-acquired infections are now being given worldwide. Most of the big hospitals in India have set up elaborate protocols to check the infection rate and contain the risk of community acquired as well as hospital acquired infections. So, as to limit the spread antigen resistance [5]. Objectives: 1. To study the level of knowledge and attitude regarding Nosocomial infections amongst nurses working in Civil Hospital, Jalandhar. 2. To develop tools to assess the knowledge and attitude of working nurses regarding Nosocomial infection in Civil Hospital, Jalandhar. 3. To implement tools and collect data for assessing the knowledge and attitude regarding Nosocomial infection amongst nurses working in Civil Hospital, Jalandhar. 4. To analyse the data by using the statistical measures. Material and Methods: A exploratory research design was used assess the knowledge and attitude regarding nosocomial infection amongst nurses working in the civil hospital, Jalandhar. Convenient purposive sampling technique was used to select the 40 nurses. Informed written consent was taken from each student. Result: The maximum 42.5% of nurses were having very good knowledge regarding nosocomial infection whereas 40% were having excellent knowledge and only 17.5% were having good knowledge regarding nosocomial infections. Conclusion: The study revealed that students has some knowledge regarding nosocomial infection.


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