Fate of Nursing in Kashmir
Nursing is the nation's largest health care profession, with more than 3.8 million registered nurses nationwide. – ACCN. How such a huge manpower is kept leaderless. Nurses take care of every needy person whether in the home, hospital or community but who is taking care of their needs. This is true in every sense that Nurses possess an inherent altruism trait and doesn’t demand much but only her fulfillment of needs. She always sacrifices her comfort for the others but when it stags the comfort of her family how she could be quiet. There should be an authority or power behind the Nurses who can understand thier issues and place them in front of Govt. or concerned department to address their issues within the premises of Constitution. To leave anyone in the hands of a person or authority who even does not know the problems, issues, and sufferings of that association/organization/group/individual is totally injustice with that association group/individual. Same story is happening in India especially in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.