Comparison of Problem-Based Learning and Lecture-Based Learning among Second Year B. Sc Nursing Students


  • Lavanya .


lecturing, lecture-based teaching, learning outcome, Problem-based learning, teaching effect


Lecturing is the most common traditional teaching method in the field of education. It has teacher cantered approach. Problem-based learning (PBL) used submissively in olden days; it is one of the active and student-oriented learning strategies which have gained attention in the present scenario. Statement of the Problem: Comparative Study on Problem-Based Learning with Lecture-Based Learning among Nursing Students of II Year at Nehru College Of Nursing, Vaniyamkulam. Objectives: To compare problem-based learning with lecture -based learning and its learning outcome Methodology: Non experimental approach– Qualitative research approach was used in this study. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the demographic variables and learning outcome of PBL and LBL. Results and Discussions: Traditional approach in teaching learning is useful to obtain the desired learning outcome. Some of the areas it shows 100% have strongly agree for Facilitation of problem-solving skills, Improves communication skills, Increases intrinsic motivation of students, Integration of theoretical and clinical knowledge and Assist learners in personal thinking. Regarding agree, 97% were agreed Improves self-directed learning, 95% were Develops self-assessment and peer assessment skills, provides learners with lots of opportunities and Help the learners to create focus, energy and passion and only minimum students has given the option of neutral. No students were given the option of disagree and strongly disagree.PBL improves clinical reasoning skills,Facilitation of problem-solving skills, Improves communication skills, Integration of theoretical and clinical knowledge, Provides learners with lots of opportunities and assist learners in personal thinking. Conclusion: Both the teaching methodologies were used to the group and assessed the learning outcome. After the analysis both the teaching methodology is very effective to bring out the desired learning outcome. LBL were teacher centred and student will receive new information and only need to listen and take notes. But in PBL students need to put their effort, whole involvement, understand the scenario and collect all information to disseminate the concept to the group. Students were agreed that PBL improves clinical reasoning skills, leadership skills and confident, utilization of more time in library and helps to score high marks in examination. In view of this PBL is an effective method if the students actively participate and gets adequate guidance from the teacher/Mentor.


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