Black Fungus: Overview during Covid- 19 Pandemic
Black fungus, Covid -19, Mucormycosis, Pandemic, causesAbstract
At the end of the 19th century, the black fungus which is clinically relevant to the black yeasts and their relatives, i.e., members of the Ascomycete (also known as sac fungi) order Chaetothyriales. Knowing the natural ecological niche of this fungus is essential to understand their pathology, the black yeast Exophiala dermatitidis, a potential agent of brain infections. The Black fungus is also known as Mucormycosis, a serious fungal Infection, causes of the black fungus Mucormycetes are a type of mould that causes fungal infections. These moulds can be found everywhere in the environment, like soil, air, and food. Hospital part of the infection which includes skin, also. The affected area may become as blistered, red, or swollen and maybe experience pain, blackening over the affected area or warmth of the skin from the infectious site, through blood circulation carry the infection to other parts of the body. The diagnostic purpose of the black fungus culture biopsy, CT scan of lungs and sinuses based on the patient condition other lab investigations are been recommended. Black fungus is treated with the antifungal agent’ samphotericin B and caspofungin or Posaconazole. The result showed the survival rates are much higher in patients with rhino orbital cerebral mucormycosis. These infections have been discovered in patients who have developed co-fungal infections due to covid -19 as post complication. The virus effect later in life, which is known as mucormycosis or black fungal infection which leads to vision and hearing loss, and ultimately causes death.
Prithiv Kumar KR et al. 2021- J Regen Bio Med) Mucormycosis: A Black Fungus- Post Covid Complications, ISSN: 2582-385X edn., Poichyadical Stem Cell Centre for Research and Development (POSCERD), Chicago, USA.
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Mucormycosis, Available at
About Mucormycosis, Available at
Black Fungus Infection (Mucormycosis), Available at 6. Mucormycosis: The 'black fungus' maiming Covid patients in India, Available at