A Study To Evaluate the Effectiveness of Collaborative Learning on Knowledge & Skills on Indwelling Urinary Catheter Care Among Undergraduate Students At Selected Nursing College, Dharwad
CL - Collaborative Learning, CDC- Center of Disease Condition, INDUCC -Indwelling Urinary Catheter CareAbstract
Background of the study: Nursing is a practice oriented discipline, where teaching-learning activities are directed towards development of competencies. Peer learning, or peer instruction, is a type of collaborative learning that involves students-teacher working in pairs or small groups to discuss concepts or find solutions to problems. Similar to the idea that two or three heads are better than one, educational researchers or instructor have found that through peer instruction, communication and share each other suggestion by achieving collaborative learning process. Objectives: To assess the pre-interventional knowledge and skills of undergraduate nursing students regarding indwelling urinary catheter care. To evaluate the effectiveness of collaborative learning. Methods: Conceptual framework of the study TAM (technological acceptance model) was applied to the pre –experimental one group pre-test and post- test research design was adopted for the present study. The sample consisted of 40 undergraduate nursing students selected by probability simple random sampling technique Result: The calculated ‘t’ value was (23.44) higher than table value i.e. (2.021) at 0.05 level of significance, Overall gain in knowledge on collaborative learning was 87.5%. The calculated ‘t’ value was 65.03, higher than table value i.e. (2.021) at 0.05 level of significance, Overall gain in skills on collaborative learning was 87.5%. Hence the research hypothesis H1 & H2 was accepted. Conclusion: The results of the study demonstrated that collaborative learning fosters the development of critical thinking through discussion, helps the learner to clarify and evaluation of each other ideas.
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