A Study to Assess the Knowledge and Nursing Care of the Bed Ridden Patient Provided By Staff Nurses Working in Selected Hospitals of Ahmedabad city
Assess, Knowledge, Nursing Care, Bed Ridden Patient, Staff NursesAbstract
A Study to Assess the knowledge and Nursing Care of the Bed Ridden Patient Provided By Staff Nurses Working in Selected Hospitals of Ahmedabad city. The study aimed with the objectives of to identify the knowledge of nursing procedures to be done for bed ridden patient carried out by nurses, nursing students and others also to know satisfaction among staff nurses and to identify the factors responsible for non-practice of nursing procedures. Non-probability sampling technique, 100 samples were selected. There were 12(12%) male, 88(88%) female. The pilot study was conducted on 10 samples. Majority of samples (43.67%) were in age group of 41 and above and were female. Majority of staff nurses had educational qualification up to G.N.M. (97%). If further shows that majority of the staff nurses had clinical experience of above 10 yrs. Majority of the staff nurse practicing (50%) the nursing procedures in general care of bed ridden patients. Majority of the staff nurses (100%) practice nursing procedures like, care of dead, discharge care, biomedical waste management, recording and reporting. Another procedures like oral medication, oxygen therapy, I.V. / I.M. Medication. It was found that very few staff nurses (3%) nursing procedures carried out by staff nurses for care of bed ridden patient like bandaging, bedpan & urinal replacement, Ryles tube feeding, E.T. tube / tracheostomy tube dressing, exercise, dressing, personal hygiene, care of drainage, enema, sitz bath, application of hot water bag, cold application, collection of specimen, and tepid sponge. Majority of the G.N.M. nursing student (99%) perform nursing procedures like T.P.R., Enema, Urine Testing, Oxygen Therapy, Oral for Medication caring bed ridden patient. Majority of the B.Sc. Nursing students (99.3%) were practicing nursing procedures like T.P.R., Enema, Urine Testing, oxygen therapy and oral medication.