Analysis of Photovoltaic Array Strategies with Different Partial Shading Features
Photovoltaic, shading, renewable energy, solar irradiationAbstract
Conventional energy sources are diminishing day by day and energy demand is increasing with rapid growth in industries. Therefore there is call for utilizing renewable energy sources such as solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy etc. among various sources conversion if solar energy into electricity is emerging as popular form of renewable energy. Partial shading occurs on photovoltaic (PV) system due to passing clouds, trees, buildings, dust particles etc. Shading causes substantial reduction in power generation. In this thesis PV array configuration scheme is proposed. Five diverse photovoltaic exhibit configuration schemes: Series (S), Series-Parallel (S-P), Total-Cross-Tied (T-C-T), Bridge-Linked (B-L), and Honey-Comb (H-C), are conveyed out using 4×4 photovoltaic cluster under five distinctive concealing design cases Solar irradiance values taken are 1000W/m2, 800W/m2 and 400 W/m2 under STC 250 C. A bypass diode is connected in anti-parallel to each module to protect against phenomena of hot spot. An obstructive diode is associated in series. Imitations of all concealing cases are applied using MATLAB/ Simulink R2018b programming. When all is said in done, the got most extreme power results under all incomplete shading cases show that Total-Cross-Tied (T-C-T) setup has the best execution as indicated by other configurations. Among diverse concealing cases, section concealing (case 1) has most elevated concealing misfortune (308.8W). Mismatch misfortune is most noteworthy for arrangement (S) topology for case 5 sorts of concealing (44.23%). For case1, SP, TCT, BL, HC design have almost same worth Fill factor, that is 0.71, most noteworthy value. Series (S) design fill factor is 0.66. Lowest fill factor is appeared by arrangement parallel (S-P) topology in the event that 4 concealing example.