Design a School Building using IS 800: 2007 and International Standards for Similar Loading Parameters


  • Vikash Kumar
  • Vinay Kumar Singh Chandrakar
  • M. P Verma


The plan codes are being refreshed and altered
consolidating the outcomes from the different
explores and improvements being completed at
the different R and D Centres in the country.
Taking into account that the current practice
wherever on the world relies upon Limit State
Method (LSM) or Load and Resistance Factor
Design Method (LRFD), it was found central
during the year 2002 – 2003 that the code of
preparing for usage of steel generally speaking
improvement should be changed to LSM while
keeping up Allowable 1. Stress Design as an
advancement elective. The IS 800: 2007 was in
this way organized and dispersed by the Bureau
of Indian Standards (BIS) in 2008. According to
showcase study it saw that over 70% pre
designed structures are planned by American
codes. According to the plan result got during
this exposition work it is noticed that the
heaviness of construction is decreased by
23.97% when contrasted with IS 800: 2007.
Despite the fact that the majority of the pre
designed structures are planned agreement to
American code it is noticed that by utilizing
Euro-03 load of construction is diminished by
27.2% and by utilizing BS 5950-2000 load of
construction is decreased by 9.04% separately
according to acquired plan results when
contrasted with IS 800: 2007.




