Experimental Study of Replacement of Cement by SCBA in Concrete
Sugar-cane bagasse ash (SCBA), cement replacement, concrete strength, workability, durabilityAbstract
Demand and consumption of cement is increasing day by day which has led researchers and scientists to search for locally available alternate binders that can replace cement partially and are ecofriendly and contribute towards waste management. The utilization of industrial and agricultural waste can play a vital role in this direction. In the present study and work the agricultural waste product like sugarcane bagasse ash (SCBA) is used as alternate binding material. This will result in saving in cement production equivalent to the alternative binding material used in concrete. The bagasse ash used for the research work is obtained from Sant Tukaram factory (Pune) which is grinded and sieved through sieve of size 150 micron and passing out fraction is used in concrete as a partial replacement of cement in the ratio of 5%, 10%, 12.5%, 15%, 20% and 25% by weight of the cement. OPC 53 grade cement is used in the study. The effect of replacement of cement by bagasse ash on properties like workability for fresh concrete are tested and for hardened concrete compressive strength at the age of 7 days and 28 days are determined. During preparation of test cubes 0.5% super plasticizer, Fosroc conplast SP500 (a high range water reducer, based on sulphonated naphthalene polymer) by the weight of cement is also used. The experimental-study reveals that bagasse ash can be replaced up to 12.5% without affecting the strength of sample of conventional concrete (M35).