of Civil and Construction Engineering (e-ISSN: 2457-001X)2024-08-22T17:56:49+0530Open Journal Systems<p><abbr title="Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering"><strong>JOCCE</strong></abbr> is a print e-journal focused towards the rapid Publication of fundamental research papers on all areas of civil and construction engineering. Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like roads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings.</p> of Constructed Wetland for Treating Industrial Effluent2024-08-22T17:43:41+0530Aparupa Shenoyaparupashenoy@gmail.comT R<p>Rapid industrialization has changed the living standards of people of India after independence. Though, industrialization at one hand is enhancing the economy of the country where as on the other hand is responsible for increasing the pollution level of the<br>environment. As the domestic and industrial waste are being discharged in to the natural courses from long time; the present scenario is that the holy rivers like Ganga and Yamuna are highly polluted and seeking for immediate help. Country like India thus needs an effective as well as economic treatment processes to deal with the pollution problem efficiently. Constructed wetland is a well known technology for treatment of domestic or municipal waste water from long back. This natural treatment process is known for its low construction, operation and maintenance cost. Industrial waste water is typical in nature and difficult to treat easily due to the presence of various toxic chemicals, high COD level, low BOD/COD ratio etc. Now-a-days constructed wetlands are gaining importance for treating different types of industrial waste water too, though the research in this field is limited. An effort has been made to analyze the applicability of constructed wetland for treating different types of industrial waste water mainly for Indian environmental conditions.</p>2015-10-14T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering (e-ISSN: 2457-001X) Needs and Swot Analysis of Public Bicycle Sharing System as Energy Free Transportation in India2024-08-22T17:50:00+0530Ashish Choudharychoudharyashish30@yahoo.comAr.Nitesh Dognechoudharyashish30@yahoo.comAr.Yogesh<p>The problem of energy conservation and easy transportation altogether is being studied from many years in our country and solutions are derived in many forms like MRTS, ITS, BRTS etc. A new emerging technique to resolve these issues is Public Bicycle Sharing System. The concept though being is new to India and requires much more studies regarding demand and infrastructure on micro and macro level. The aim of study is to explore what are basic infrastructural demands of PBS in India and up to what extent a Public Bike Sharing System can provide a quality and effective service to the passengers.</p>2015-11-12T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering (e-ISSN: 2457-001X) Architectural Interpretation and Contextual Understanding of Jor-Bangla Gopinath Temple, Pabna, Bangladesh: As A “Visual Canvas” of Indigenous Temple Architecture of Bengal2024-08-22T17:38:16+0530Audity<p>The study attempts to examine the late medieval Bengal temples, particularly in reference to the “Jor-Bangla Gopinath” Temple at Pabna, Bangladesh. From 6th to 19th century different artistic acting upon the temple Architecture of Bengal. The “Gopinath Jor-Bangla” Temple shows excellence in forms and construction technique as in its Architecture and Sculpture, characteristically in brick and terracotta. At the same time the aim will be to draw a sketch of relationship between social context, patronage and temple building activities. In absence of well established theoretical underpinning .the attempt to contextualize the Gopinath<br>Temple under study in terms of local and regional history and social and religious transformation will be sketchy. Finally, the paper concludes the late Medieval Temples acted not only as some mere religious structures additionally where embodiment of the changing complex relation between the social context and culture, “a perfect juxtaposition of Social context and the spirituality”.</p>2015-09-16T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering (e-ISSN: 2457-001X) Structure Interaction Effects on Reinforced Concrete Buildings under Seismic Load2024-08-22T17:56:49+0530P. Sooriya Andrew<p>The response of a structure during an earthquake depends not only on the structure alone but also on the characteristics of the ground motion and the subsoil conditions. The actual behavior of the structure under seismic load may significantly differ from what the analysis provides considering the structure to be fixed at base. The actual behavior of the structure under seismic load may significantly differ from what the analysis provides considering the structure to be fixed at its base. The present study focuses on the quantification of the effect of soil flexibility on the seismic response of low rise building structures with isolated footing. For the analysis, three dimensional single bay RC building models of one and two storeyes are considered and the soil beneath the structure is modeled as linear elastic model. The transient analysis of the soil-structure model was carried out using the general FEM software ANSYS for El Centro ground motion. Also the static and transient analysis was performed on single storeyed frames to study the variation in the seismic response quantities. Based on the analysis results, it has been concluded that the effect of soilstructure interaction plays a significant role to increase the seismic response quantities like roof displacement, column axial force, base shear and soil settlement. The seismic response parameters like roof displacement, column axial force, base shear and soil settlement increases appreciably with increase in soil flexibility and also with increase in the number of storeys.</p>2015-12-09T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Civil and Construction Engineering (e-ISSN: 2457-001X)