Content Based Image Retrieval Using Edge Based Feature Extraction In Deep Learning Algorithm


  • Siva Krishna Sajarao
  • M Pradeep


Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) using edge-based feature extraction in deep learning
algorithm has been implemented in this paper. CBIR is widely used in securities,
entertainment, medicine and many military applications. the retrieval system process is based
on the decomposition of the input image and different levels of filtering analysis such as edge,
enhancement and different scaling factors of the training images. Deep learning analysis is
majorly concentrated on the different convolution layers. The convolutional neural network
layer has been implemented on this process. The convolutional neural network is having one
of the layers is convolutional. It is used to extract the feature based on the different kernels to
form the feature extraction map. This paper is implemented on the COREL database. As
compared to existing methods this paper gives better results in terms of recognition




