IoT Technology in Smart Parking
IoT, RFID, ArduinoAbstract
An algorithm for current parking system using internet of things technology for increasing
efficiency of system and developed architecture. This system calculate the cost and distance
automatically which analyze distance and number of parking available in each car park
helps person to find a free parking space at the low cost based on behaviour. As per the
request of the user this system gives a different parking areas user need to select the/her
choice of depending on its confirmeabeality. There is lot of improvements compare to current
system that gives advantages like human interference reduced also wastage of time to find
car park also fuel expenditure reduces. In this project vehicle are parked depending on
priority cost and distance. Ardinu act as gateway to the system and RFID as supporting
device are used with node mcu for hardware implementation, and a web page for the
updating the information.