Automation System for Power Loom in Textile Industry


  • Sayyada Merchant
  • Prashant Khade
  • Sirin Shaikh


DC Motor, GSM, Loom, PIC Controller, RFID Reader, RFID Tag, Sensors


The automation system is used in the textile industry for many years to reduce manpower and time so which is more helpful of monitor and control of the operation in the textile industry. The main objective of this project is to control the electric power wastage and take data logs from a motor and also to check the performance of an employee in industries. This system works on a PIC microcontroller so it requires low cost and gives an efficient performance in unnecessary electric power wastage in power loom motors. A few years ago automation has reached a new revolution. Present designing a system which easy for the owner of the industry by sitting in front of a single monitor and monitor its whole system is very profitable and time-saving. This system will count the work done by a worker on the particular machine and also details of a worker who is operating on that particular machine. All proposed system is designed on basis of PIC microcontroller, proximity sensor, and RFID. This designing system is easy to operate, reduce time, manpower and easy to calculate the salary of the employee.




