Design and Implementation of Bootloader for Serial Communication
Bootloader, Embedded System, Kernel Mode, LED driver, LinuxAbstract
The bootloader is crucial, even if driver programs in embedded systems are built for specialized purposes. Using an integrated component accelerates software development while also improving system security and dependability. It is crucial in the embedded field. A boot loader, which is software, is used to load the main operating system. The study looked at how to set up a cross-compiling infrastructure, then at how the embedded boot loader worked, and finally at how the Kernel mode structure functioned. After we've set up the environment for our driver code to work, we'll need to build the driver programming that will execute on the target platform. In this scenario, the LED driver is being evaluated. The target architecture must be accomplished by creating a similar coding tool. The kernel and file system was created first. The article examined the concept of Linux device drivers, as well as the design of several important device drivers and a complete implementation approach.