Smart Irrigation System : A Review Paper Solar Metering System


  • Rahul M. Shahu
  • Kunal C. Addak
  • Mrs. Manisha H. Sabley


AVR AT Mega16, GSM, Irrigation system, ,RF model, Solar panel.


The paper proposed a model of smart irrigation using RF technology and solar metering
system, considering the characteristics of irrigation in the village area of India. Solar plate
means the solar power is used as source of power to control the overall system. This device
based on wireless network (GSM). Put the sensors in the corner of the farms which indicates
the moisture level of soil and farmer can get information about the water level through its
cell phone by GSM message. The GSM modules are available in pc system or cell phone. The
orders can send from cell phone to controller and get information such as temperature, soil
moisture and humidity through the GSM message. Data base of spot information sampled can
be analyzed and browsed by in PC.




