Design of Different Control Strategies for a Boiler Drum System using LabVIEW


  • Rakesh Kumar Mishra
  • Shree Kumar Mishra
  • Chandra Mohan Kisku
  • Priya


Boiler drum, LabVIEW, Ziegler-Nichols, Routh Array, IMC, Disturbances


The boiler drum water level control is one of the most important controls used in chemical
process industries. The perfect control of the boiler drum water level is the most important
function of the boiler. If the water level remains in low level, due to overheating the boiler
may get damaged, and also, if the water level remains in high level, due to overflow of water
the function of separator will be improper. Therefore, it is required to maintain an optimum
interface level between steam and water within the boiler drum system. This paper provides
the comparative performance analysis of different control strategies such as feedback ,feed
forward, feedback-feed forward ,cascade, Internal Model Control(IMC). Using IMC control
strategy for boiler drum system we have got a good set point tracking and more disturbance
rejection when compared to normal control strategies. The designed model of boiler drum
level has been simulated in LabVIEW environment.




