Programming of the Computer Examiner Application on Computer Language Turbo C
Application, Computer language Turbo C, Exam and self-training of a student, Programming, Source codesAbstract
There are many computer programs that allow conducting of an exam and self-training of a student at any material in any area, written in Java or Microsoft Visual C++. However, these programs take up a huge amount of RAM on the order of 1 GB.
The article presents programming of the computer “Examiner” application on computer language Turbo C allowing conducting of an exam for a teacher or self-training for a student on any material and in any field, including at least 1000 questions and 5 answers to each of the questions and a topic for each answer.
Computer "Examiner" application takes only 80Kb of RAM. All the main operations of the computer application are carried out directly with magnetic media: USB, compact DVD or CD disks, etc.
The computer "Examiner" application is intended for any teacher or student, studding information in various fields of science and technology.