Congregation of News in a Digitized World Using News Angle


  • Samarth Kulkarni
  • Anupama S Nandeppanavar
  • Medha Kudari


Android, Java, Kotlin, Live television, News angle, News, News trends


Technology is rapidly growing and fast and instant network connections have changed life. The use of mobile, tablets, and laptops are increasing. In this fast and information-oriented world, we need to stay updated with every incident and news. The NewsAngle app is an android mobile application where users have access to the latest news from the Admin app. The application has focused on the existing system and tried to solve problems such as the improvised notification system, news with tags, and live news channel option using youtube APIs. A payment gateway is integrated into the system which will help to alter the users into two separate categories like paid and free users. Android studio used in applications supports programming languages like Java, Kotlin, and XML (Extensible Markup Language). The drag-and-drop feature for the user interface and the java code auto-completion feature for the backend have made android studio easy to use. The main focus of the application is to connect news articles from all around the world and deliver to them to users as fast as possible. It provides automation, immediacy, adaption, and personalization. The Application provides information about the stock market, mutual funds, and cryptocurrency. The user can see share market values and live television channels which are displayed in the application.




