Machine Learning to Detect Counterfeit Insurance Settlements


  • E Sumanth
  • M. S. Shashidhara


Fraud detection, Insurance claims, Machine learning, Predictions, Random forest classifier


Detecting counterfeit insurance settlements is a critical challenge for insurance companies, necessitating advanced techniques to combat fraudulent activities and protect their financial integrity. This research focuses on leveraging machine learning methods to develop an automated system capable of accurately identifying counterfeit insurance settlements. By analyzing a diverse dataset consisting of genuine and counterfeit settlement records, the machine learning model learns patterns and characteristics indicative of fraud, enabling effective detection. The research addresses several key aspects. Firstly, a comprehensive dataset comprising both genuine and known counterfeit settlements is collected and preprocessed to ensure data quality and compatibility with machine learning algorithms. Feature engineering techniques are then applied to extract relevant information from the settlement date, capturing essential attributes that differentiate between legitimate and counterfeit claims. The machine learning model is trained using various algorithms, including supervised learning (e.g., random forest, logistic regression) or unsupervised learning (e.g., clustering, anomaly detection). Performance evaluation is conducted using appropriate metrics to assess the model's accuracy in detecting counterfeit settlements. To enable practical implementation, the trained model is integrated into an existing or new fraud detection system within the insurance company's infrastructure. Monitoring mechanisms are implemented to track the model's performance, identify concept drift, and detect potential vulnerabilities or adversarial attacks. By automating the detection process, the developed machine learning system enhances fraud detection capabilities, reducing financial losses and protecting the integrity of the insurance industry. The research contributes to the ongoing efforts in leveraging advanced technologies to combat fraudulent activities and foster trust in insurance settlements.




