Test Case Prioritization Using Aggregate Weight of the Independent Path


  • Harish Kumar
  • Naresh Chauhan


Software, complexity, program, white box testing, language code


Software testing is considered an important phase for developing and maintaining any software. It controls the quality and reliability of the software being tested. The main objective of testing is to identify and eliminated bugs. Although it is a time consuming activity, the time spent is justified because it is used for generation of test cases and their testing. So, in order to avoid exhaustive testing, test cases are prioritized. In the past, many techniques of prioritization have been used to prioritize the test cases of white box testing, which fully covers the whole structural and functional part of software, as it covers the independent paths of all modules. But none of the techniques focused on the complexity of the statements covered by an independent path. So in this paper, the prioritization of test cases using basis path testing is presented, in which the most important independent path has been considered for testing. The importance of the independent path is calculated on the basis of the Complexity of the statements covered by that independent path.




