Machine Learning based Anesthesia Controlling System for Medical Applications
Anesthesia, Automatic sensors, LCD, Microcontroller, Stepper motor, SyringeAbstract
The purpose of this survey is to remove the human error while performing the surgery specially while injecting the anesthesia. Administration of high/low anesthesia during surgery may cause a critical change in the patient’s body. To avoid such a complicated condition, the anesthesiologist gives the patient a few milliliters of the anesthesia from time to time. To overcome these annoying issues, this survey aims designing an effective microcontroller based on an automatic sensor and machine learning algorithms. In the proposed method, the anesthetic level is controlled by microcontroller and through sensors the vital parameters such as blood pressure, temperature, heartbeat, respiration, bleeding etc. are monitored and if there is any abnormality then it is displayed on LCD. The movement of syringe in front or back direction will be based on rotation of device called stepper motor. The amount of anesthesia to be injected will be decided based on the analysis of the dataset of the patient. The delay time will be noted down using real time clock.