Performance Evaluation of Object Removal by Image Inpainting using CSH Technique
image inpainting, CSH, MATLAB, PSNRAbstract
Image processing includes various techniques or mathematical operations to improve the quality of images. By these techniques images are employed for decreasing the noises and other undesirable effects. One of the processes named image inpainting is used for improving the quality of image by reconstruction of the decamped image. In this proposed work the image inpainting techniques are evaluated and investigated in detail. The proposed CSH based image inpainting technique includes the four main phases for image enhancement. First identification of target regions of image, secondly computations of hash table, third the computation of best patches and mapping and finally the updates on the target image. The proposed technique is implemented using the MATLAB technology and the performance of the algorithms are compared and measured in terms of MSE, PNSR and time consumption.