Machine Learning Approach for Identification and Alerting Driver Sleepiness Setup


  • Mr. Punyam Pandey
  • Mr. Sajal Maurya
  • Mr. Mahendra Kumar


CNN (convolutional neural networks), Driver, Drowsiness, Internet of things (IoT), Sleepiness


Driver Drowsiness is one of the main sources of numerous street mishaps nowadays. With the appearance of PC vision, shrewd/proficient cam-times are created to identify driver exhaustion, thus alerting drivers and thus reducing the risk of fatigue. In this exercise, another system is proposed that uses insights on how to determine driver fatigue based on eye position while driving. To distinguish the face from the eye area focused on the image of the face, the facial recognition calculator was used by Viola Jones in this work. A superimposed deep convolutional brain network generated to remove reflections from key edges is progressively differentiated from the camera arrays and used for the training phase. A Soft Max class in the CNN classifier is used to group drivers into idle or idle mode. This setting will notify the driver with an alert when the driver is in a sluggish mental state. The proposed work is tested on a set of data collected and shows an improvement of 96.42% accuracy compared to regular CNN. For example, the barrier of conventional CNNs, the current reproducibility accuracy has been overcome by the proposed deep CNN.




