A System for Monitoring and Controlling Smart Street Light System


  • Mr. Abdul Latif Saleem
  • Dr. Pooja M R


Current sensor, GSM, Light dependent resistor (LDR), Microcontroller


The approaches to provide automated street light control and tracking is discussed here. The application is designed in such a way that lighting fixtures gadget that aims to save electricity and operate independently on a budget that is less expensive for the streets and responds quickly to complaints. The power consumption of specific location's street light can be measured and accounted for using an Energy Saving Lighting System with sensors and controllers. Also, the street lights can be turned on and off using a laptop from a central control station or it can be done automatically using light sensors included in the software's straight light pole circuit. With those centers, the lamps' total performance and lifespan might be increased. The device also preserves a database to save useful statistics information of each light source, such as electricity consumption, total number of burning hours, total number of interruptions, tally the actual electricity consumption with the electricity delivered, and problem of fault detection information. The software is entirely based on a client-server approach.




