Study on Smart Farming in Agriculture using IOT


  • Anagha Phaniraj
  • Aishwarya S, Gayatri K, Jothis Susan Thomas, Vallabh Mahale


Agriculture, applications, arduino uno, challenges, IOT, raspberry Pi


The principle goal of this project is to build up a computerized soil checking framework that helps to reduce the problems faced by farmers. At times, farmers might face problems such as sowing a particular crop that might be not be suitable for that season, due to which the yield of the crop might not be as expected. Not only sowing, even weather information also contributes in terms of light intensity, rainfall measure and wind flow. Using this information, irrigation can be managed efficiently which in turn yields good crops. The information from different sensors is taken and communicated to the farmer. An integrated system is needed to control all these factors and help farmers overcome these problems. Thus, this project describes the various ways to keep track of the process of growing a crop and getting good yield.




