Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) –Architecture, Benefits and Challenges


  • Bhagyashri R Hanji


Health, internet of medical things (IoMT), medical, software


Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), is a network of medicinal devices and persons where wireless communication is used to exchange the health-related data. IoMT plays a significant role in healthcare industry by providing better services and creating cost effective systems further increasing the accuracy and reliability. The thought at the back of IoMT is to live in connected world. The growth of smart sensors, smart devices and sophisticated communication protocols make it possible to interconnect medical things, monitor and analyze biomedical signals. This paper details the IoMT model and the comparison of architecture with current health care system. The benefits of IoMT through novel services like remote analysis, e-visits that increase convenience at the ends of patients and health care staff are also discussed. Because of the usage of personal devices to access the data IoMT become a popular target for attacks and the need for securing the architecture is also discussed in the article.




