Various Routing Methods Offered for the Internet of Things


  • Mr. Mohammad Esmaeili
  • Mr. Atefeh Heydarian


Content-based protocol, IoT, Location-based protocol, Routing protocol, Service-based protocol


One of the most important challenges of the Internet of Things is scalability and communication between objects and optimization of energy consumption and routing. In this, the discussion of routing plays a major role. As the number of objects located around the world increases, the amount of connections and connections between objects increases significantly. As a result of the increase in communication, the data exchanged in communication will also be high, and the collection of this raw data continuously and the interpretation of data to produce knowledge from it will be a challenge. One reason is that a software defect in the routing layer can deliver messages to the wrong destination. This causes the message to be sent to the sender by the recipient not receiving the package correctly and the sender is forced to resend the package. The result will be that in addition to reprocessing and sending duplicate data, large volumes of submissions will accumulate in the buffer queue and cause congestion. On the other hand, communication bandwidth is wasted. In addition, because incident information is reported moment by moment and due to a large number of objects (several million objects) if all this information is to be sent to the destination, bandwidth and buffer will not be used properly because the information may Duplicate submissions. Thus data routing in particular from source to sync is a fundamental component of any large-scale network. With the above explanations, we decided to research the various routing methods offered for the Internet of Things.




