Secured Automated Teller Machine (Satm)


  • Deepa R
  • Gowshik M S
  • Sangavarthini C S


ATM, Finger-print, Mobile Phone, OTP, SATM, SATM Web page


An Automated Teller Machine(ATM) is a telecommunication device, which provides instant cash at any time. It is very much popular, because of easy access to financial transactions. Currently, the authentication of our account can be processed only through the One Time password(OTP). So, it results in low security and it is easy for the hackers to get our password and misuse it. To enhance the safety and highly secured process for the authentication of the customer, we proposed a Secured Automated Teller Machine(SATM). In this, the SATM Web page is used for the financial transaction. It can be accessed in the customer mobile phone, for the withdrawal of cash, and it displays the nearby ATM centres too. In the ATM Centre the withdrawal of cash is done, with the help of the fingerprint of the customer and no usage of ATM Cards.




