An Overview on Creating an Alert System for Road Accident


  • Priyanka Jaiswal
  • Kartik Khot
  • Gayatri Chepurwar
  • Utsav Bhakre


Golden hour, GPS, android, cloud storage, windows


This paper proposes an overview of an alert system which uses cloud service and provides a network to user for medical assistance of ambulance service within “Golden Hour”. In medical terms Golden Hour refers to an hour after any casualty occurs in that one hour major casualty can be avoided. This application will help a victim in golden hour as this application will locate the nearest hospital from the location of accident, contact its ambulance emergency system then specific hospital will receive an alert and will provide ambulance service to the user, as application will locate the nearest hospital then in Golden Hour proper medical assistance is provided to save the patient’s life or to avoid any major disabilities or further risk, hence the objective of an application can be achieved using this application.




