STARP: Secure Trusted Anonymity-Based Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks for Internet of Things


  • Muthumanickam Gunasekaran
  • Balasubramanian Gopalakrishnan


Trust, security, anonymity, routing, internet of things


Fourth-generation (4G) wireless system may require integration of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) into external network for Internet of Things (IOT) to enhance the flexibility of the networks. This phenomenon gives more importance in using MANET for tactical networks and rescue operations. Such integration poses a serious security threat on mobile ad hoc networks with respect to the network layer during the transmission of data packets. This paper proposes a secure trusted anonymity-based routing protocol (STARP) to provide trust model in MANET for internet of things. The proposed STARP protocol includes the concept of witness anonymity which provides privacy for genuine users and also excludes the malicious users from the network. The proposed protocol is designed based on “broadcast with trapdoor information” a cryptography concept supports for anonymous communication. The simulation results prove the necessity and effectiveness of the proposed trust model in achieving such anonymity.




