Circular-MSPA: Design and Analysis of Applications Intended for 5G Environment


  • Devasis Pradhan Assistant Professor- II, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Acharya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. E-mail:
  • Hla Myo Tun


5G, Directivity, Gain, Patch antenna, VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio)


The design of the antenna for a 5G environment has advanced quickly in the field of wireless communication in this world. This paper focuses on the layout and analysis of a square microstrip patch antenna (RMPA) for 5G. Low prices, ease of fabrication and low profile are just a few of the benefits of microstrip antennas. The microstrip patch antenna's inherently low impedance bandwidth is a chief disadvantage. Microstrip antennas can be made smaller or smaller by way of placing a particular slot into the radiating patch. In the final couple of decades development in wireless communique has grown, and so using wi-fi communication is growing in fantastic amount. Microstrip Patch Antenna is certainly of the sort a radio antenna can be set up on a low profile. The reduced antenna length for such an antenna corresponds to the meandering of the excited patch floor current paths because of loading the slots inside the radiating patch. This can decrease the fundamental resonant frequency of the antenna. This antenna covers three regions, substrate made-up of FR4 epoxy, patch and ground made of copper fabric. This antenna affords an awesome return loss of -13.07 dB, VSWR as 1. Forty-two, Impedance as 47.2 ohms, advantage (dBi) as 2.89dB, directivity as 3.65 dB, and bandwidth as 850 MHz the use of defected ground structure (DGS) concept. This sort of antenna is more appropriate for 5G software to switch the records from one location to a far-flung place.




