A Comparative Analysis of Various Cluster Head Selection in Mobile Adhoc Networks


  • S. Rajasekar
  • A. Subramani


MANET, Cluster Head, Cluster Weight, Comparative Study, Adhoc Networks


Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANET) is an instantaneous wireless network because dynamic in nature for easy plug-in, it is widely applied for many real time scenarios due to high mobility of the nodes and it support single hop and multihop communication.This isan infrastructure less networks.Clustering is significant models to control the topology of the networks include different phases like cluster formation, cluster head selection, and cluster maintenance. It uses cluster head is important as the stability of the network depends on well-organized and resourceful. This is the best solution for effective communication among the nodes with low overheads. Cluster head selection in MANET where it is necessary to provide robustness in
the face of topology changes caused by node motion, node failure and node insertion or deletion. In this paper, comparative analysis of cluster head selection in mobile adhoc networks with different researchers based on the different cluster head selection technique. This comparative analysis is very useful for the future researchers in the relevant area. Finally most of the researchers select the cluster head based on the node weight (node potential score).




