Challenges of Network Layer Various Attacks for MANET – A Survey
OSI layer, Ad-hoc network, MANET, security issues, network attacks, defence mechanismsAbstract
The main safety issues in ad-hoc (Mobile) networks is to secure and maintains network layer from adversary attacks, thereby, defining the malicious (adversary) nodes and hence preventing and having secured from malicious nodes. A well-maintained security aspect solution is needed for such networks to secure both of route and for the data packets forwarding tasks on network level. On further, the appropriate security solution, the adversary mobile nodes in the MANET network can readily mean to act as the function of routers to route the data. This will slowly disturb the networks on the operation of correct delivering and routing of the packetsfrom adversary nodes can give stable routing updates or dew drop all the packets on passing over them. In this paper, the study on attacks in different layers is presented. The paper also has attentions on a different mode of security aspects on the MANET network layer and discusses the conclusion of the attacks in brief.