Journal of Power Electronics and Devices 2024-08-22T15:44:27+0530 Associate Editor Open Journal Systems <p class="contentStyle">Journal of Power Electronics and Devices is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of Electronics published by the MAT Journals Pvt. Ltd. JOPED is a print e-journal focused on the rapid publication of fundamental research papers on all areas of Power Electronics and Devices. Power electronics is the application of solid-state electronics for the control and conversion of electric power. It also refers to a subject of research in electronic and electrical engineering which deals with design, control, computation and integration of nonlinear, time varying energy processing electronic systems with fast dynamics. The Journal aims to promote high-quality Research, Review articles, and case studies mainly focussed on semiconductor, Diodes, Thyristors, Transistors, Analysing various types of converters, Understanding the Applications of power electronic circuits. This Journal involves the comprehensive coverage of all the aspects of power electronics and devices.</p> <h6 class="mt-2"> </h6> <div class="card"> </div> Switched LC Converter for Battery Backup Systems 2024-08-22T15:44:27+0530 T. Divya R. Ramaprabha <p>In view of obtaining converters with high voltage conversion ratio for applications like <br>battery back-up systems. In this paper, such a converter is obtained by combining the passive <br>and active switched inductor units. The symmetrical topology of the converter is analyzed <br>and compared with conventional converters based on voltage gain, switching voltage stress <br>and also inductor losses. The competency of this converter in a photovoltaic application to <br>boost the output voltage using FPGA pulse is also analyzed and the results are presented.</p> 2016-12-22T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Power Electronics and Devices Review on Smart System of Street Light 2024-08-22T15:32:55+0530 Mohd Azaz Lucky Gangwar Mohit Singh Mubashshir Farooq Husain <p>This paper illustrates a street light system based on vehicle movement. India faces a major <br>problem regarding power consumption and power production. This paper presents an idea <br>on how power consumption can be reduced in the street light systems using laser source as <br>sensor and PIC microcontroller. LASER sensors are implanted at a distance away from the <br>street light systems which detects the vehicle and street light then glows. Until then, street <br>light will be in dim state. Thus, this proposed system helps in saving a lot of energy. A <br>programmable microcontroller controls light intensity according to the need.</p> 2016-10-21T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Power Electronics and Devices Survey on Vehicle Movement Based Street Light 2024-08-22T15:40:06+0530 Lucky Gangwar Farooq Husain Mohd Azaz Mohit Singh Mubashshir <p>Street light-weight system that operates mechanically is not solely best, however, conjointly <br>the intelligent system. This technique is set to work in automatic mode that regulates the road <br>light-weight consistent with brightness and dimness formula and lightweight intensity. We are <br>able to take the initiative to regulate street lights through computer monitor terminal. This <br>street light-weight system conjointly includes a time cut-out perform, associated an automatic <br>management pattern for even additional electricity preserving once vehicles move, the <br>sunshine can activate mechanically, later put off. Nowadays, human has become too busy, <br>and is unable to search out even to modify before the sun sets and that they are transitioned<br>ensuing day morning once there is enough light-weight on the roads. Conjointly, the manual <br>operation of the lighting system is totally eliminated.</p> 2016-11-21T00:00:00+0530 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Power Electronics and Devices