Wireless Complete Body Scanning System based on GSM Technology and RF Waves


  • Sarika Panday
  • Saurabh Sardey


Body area network (BAN), Communication technology, Zigbee, Radio-frequency, Ultra-wideband, Wireless body area network (WBAN)


In the current research, a wireless total body scanning system based on GSM technology is studied using radio-frequency (RF) waves. It is now possible to rearrange and recognize a person's ethical status using both statistical compilation and their overall behavior. When a sensor is assigned to a home, they may make suggestions about the monitoring of mental or physiological privacy, deduce the pros and cons of accusations against clothing or other personal items, etc. For various short-range and long-range wireless communications technology, the wireless body area network (WBAN) system has been used as a remote monitor of the body. Technical short-range wireless standard of candidate linked communication between BAN as resolved stressed pros and cons for internal communication towards body area network (BAN). Competitive technical issue front candidates drove successful study of the Zigbee WBAN optional proposal. Additional BAN communication is referred to BAN as a wide area network (WAN) accessible for long-distance communication between various cellular wireless mobile networks as well as the internet. Throughput and delay are descriptive issued scope terms. Script examined to comprehend the GPRS technical subscription for long-range wireless comparison. Bluetooth, ultra-wideband (UWB), and Zigbee are indicated as short-range wireless technologies of BAN description provided to concise standard wireless personal area network (WPAN) technology.




