The Inventory Coastal Ecosystem in Sipora Mentawai Island


  • Siti Khofifah
  • Indah Purwati


Coral Reefs, Coastal Ecosystem


The coastal area is the area/meeting zone between land and sea with the boundary to the west as far as the area is still influenced by the natural processes that occur on land. The inventory of natural resources of coastal ecosystems including Mangrove (Rhizophora) and coral reefs (Zooxanthellae) is a wealth of biodiversity which is very important in its sustainability because it is a habitat for various kinds of animals. The purpose of this research is to conduct an inventory of coastal ecosystems on Sipora Island. The space satellite technology of the Copernicus project was developed by the European UNION specifically for the observation of ecosystems. By using Sentinel satellite imagery in the coastal area of Sipora Mentawai Island [10]. The data analysis technique is the analysis of satellite wave response with model statistics image of Maximum Likelihood for ecosystem mapping. The result of this research in the land area of Sipora is 61.648 ha with the distribution of the North Sipora 29.146 ha and the area of South Sipora 32.502 ha, the area of coral reefs is 2383 ha with a broad division of the coral reefs of northern Sipora 1614 ha and area of reefs Southern Sipora Coral 769 ha and the area of Mangrove is 2116 ha with a broad division of Mangrove Sipora 1399 ha and vast area of Mangrove South Sipora 717 ha. While the length of the coastline Pulau Sipora is 263 km.




