Design & Development of Agricultural Fertilizer Spraying Drone with Remote Controller and Autonomous Control with low weight Aluminium Alloy frame Structure


  • Vikrant Krishna Suryawanshi
  • Dr. J. Ashok
  • Sumit Ashok Rajmane
  • Snehal Shivaji Mali


Quad copter, UAV, Fertilizer, pesticides, spraying


The Drone is a unique type of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) which has Vertical Take Off
and Landing (VTOL) ability. The World Health Organization estimates there are over one
million chemical cases in each year. There in over one large integer deaths in every year,
particularly in developing countries, the pesticides sprayed by soul and handling of
pesticides. The health effects of pesticides such as embody respiratory disorder, allergies and
hypersensitivity, and chemical exposure to cancer, endocrine disruption and issues with
replica and craniates.Other pesticides may be irritated the skin and eyes. More pesticides are
very dangerous carcinogens. Other pesticides are also affects on the internal secretion and
system of the body. The low levels of exposure throughout spraying might have ends up in
health effects. chemical exposure will cause a large vary of medicine health effects in body
like state of mind, loss of coordination, reduced speed of response, reduced visual ability,
altered or uncontrollable mood and general behaviour. Agricultural fertilizer spraying drone
used for reducing time and human efforts. This project mainly concentrates on designing a
low weight aluminium structure for the drone that sprays fertilizer for farming. Also describe
the how to design and develop the Spaying mechanism with quad copter system.




