of Remote Sensing GIS & Technology 2024-08-28T12:49:12+0530Open Journal Systems<p>Journal of Remote Sensing GIS & Technology is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of Telecommunication Engineering published by the MAT Journals Pvt. Ltd. <strong>JORSGT</strong> is a print e-journal focused on the rapid publication of fundamental research papers on all areas of remote sensing GIS (Geographic information system). This Journal involves the basic principles of Remote sensing and Geographic information system where remote sensing Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact and GIS in is a computer system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data. The Journal aims to promote high-quality Research, Review articles, and case studies mainly focussed on Resourcesat, Cartosat, Oceansat, Biodiversity Characterisation, Coastal Studies, Coral and Mangroves Studies, Electromagnetic spectrum, Orthorectification, GDAL and OSSIM, Radar, Hyperspectral. This Journal involves the comprehensive coverage of all the aspects of Remote Sensing GIS & Technology.</p> and Distribution of Waste Lands in Swarnamukhi River Basin, Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh2024-08-28T12:49:12+0530Madhu<p>The present study, the survey of wasteland in the Swarnamukhi basin, differs, in many respect <br>from the usual approach adopted in any project study. As already explained it is a novel <br>experiment. It is not just a study of the problem, which closes with suggestions and <br>recommendations. It is much more than that. The primary aim of the study is to (1) highlight <br>the actual problems and prospects indicating findings and giving suggestions, (2) to provide <br>the basic infrastructure for the wasteland to be developed by the implementing agencies.</p>2015-12-18T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Remote Sensing GIS & Technology Analysis of Climate Variability in Pichavaram Mangrove 1991-20102024-08-28T12:43:13+0530M. Sakthivelmathisakthi22@gmail.comDebapriya Duttamathisakthi22@gmail.comS.<p>Mangrove wetland is a multiple-use ecosystem, covering 8% of the world’s coast and 25% of <br>the tropical coastline. (MSSRF-2002) It performs a number of protective and productive <br>functions. It acts as a barrier against cyclonic storms and avoids coastal erosion. It provides <br>nursery grounds for a number of commercially important species of fish, prawn and crab. <br>Pichavaram has a tropical in nature. The annual average temperature is 28.40C and average <br>annual rainfall is about 1270 mm. Mostly average rainfall in November 358 mm. In winter <br>there is much more rainfall in Pichavaram than in summer. The studies highlight and assess <br>the spatial distribution of rainfall Pichavaram in Cuddalore District for the period of 1991 to <br>2011. The main objectives of this study to assess the pre and post monsoon and its impact on <br>mangrove eco system in Pichavaram. The impact of climate change on mangrove ecosystem <br>is likely to be difficult to discern from that caused by anthropogenic factors, especially in <br>developing nations are depending on climate sensitive sectors like agriculture and fishing for <br>their basic livelihood. The present study recognizes the context of assesses the spatial <br>distribution of rainfall and its effectiveness, adaptation options and provides a simplistic <br>framework to understand the nexus between locally driven livelihoods based climate <br>variability for both agriculture and fishing communities in the coastal areas of Pichavaram <br>in Cuddalore district. The climate data analyses and indicated changes in climate variability <br>due to extreme events have significant impacts on the local livelihoods. The study has <br>implication for sustainable adaptation calling for strengthening local level actions.</p>2015-09-11T00:00:00+0530Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Remote Sensing GIS & Technology