The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Voice-Based Systems: A Comparative Analysis of Saarush


  • Atharva Kurhade
  • Aftab Mulani
  • Rakesh Parmar
  • Karan Nangude
  • Sukhesh Kothari


AI (Artificial Intelligence), Data, Feature extraction, Jarvis, Technology, Tony


In today’s market, AI is taking place globally in the world. The AI and voice system are published multiple times in various movies like IRON-MAN, SKYSCRAPER, etc. Unlike the original origin, artificial intelligence was developed as a system that can think like a human or better than a human and can help directly or indirectly to develop, learn, and perform system-oriented operations like in the movie of Iron-Man is a version of the AI called Jarvis which is an intelligent computer that can perform the system-oriented operations that converses in a large scale with the humans, the AI monitors his lifestyle and helps to build its computer program for his superhero suit. The Saarush AI system was inspired by the Jarvis AI system. Saarush is a digital life assistant that primarily leverages human communication methods which establish two-way contact with humans and aid them with chores such as cooking, facebook alerts, and many more. Because we mostly communicate by voice in our project, Saarush is essentially a speech recognition program. The term "speech technology" refers to two technologies: synthesizers and recognizers. The human voice is a signal that contains an endless quantity of data. Jarvis is the name of Tony Stark's assistant in the Superhero films. This one is frequently the result of multiple contributors' overcontribution, such as the usability but also the capability of AIML dynamic merging with portals such as Python [pyttsx] but instead gTTS, which results in the same JARVIS standard, structure with general reusability but little or no maintainability.




