IOT based Paralytic Patient Observation System


  • Sushant Gurme
  • Sanket Kelkar, Shubham Shrivastav, Deepti D. Kulkarni


Bio sensors, health surveillance, patient monitoring systems, safeguard, vital framework


The medical care frameworks are a vital piece of the economy of any country and for the general wellbeing. The new overview of WHO expresses that there are around 5.6 million individuals were incapacitated speaking to 1.9 % of the populace about 1 among 50. In Today's reality numerous individuals are experiencing loss of motion and a large portion of the incapacitated patients are subject to guardians. The primary point behind this undertaking is to study and catch the Eye development that is flicker identification with IR squint sensor and used to controlling family gadgets. The patient is also made to wear the sensor glove and recognition of finger bending is the mathematical interpretation of finger movement by the computing device. Our system is a real time system through a predefined number of eye blinks and the system ensures the patient to express his requirements by converting the finger bending into auditory speech. If the same action is repeated thrice, it indicates that the requirement is not fulfilled yet, the system will send a text message to the concerned care taker with the help of GSM module.




