Automated Medicine Alert System


  • Manavi J M
  • Raghavendra Patil G E, G R Jyoti, Kratika Krishnanand Naik, Lavanya G,


GSM module, Liquid crystal display, Real real-time clock


The internet of things is a technology that connects physical objects through the internet. It has an incredible application in the field of medication that offers an assortment of answers for patients and medical services experts. This makes clinical hardware more productive, by giving checking to the patient's wellbeing. That is the reason we offer a framework known as the Automated Medicine Alert System, the proposed framework will be intended to remind patients to take as much time as is needed and to give data about the patient's wellbeing status to both the patient and the patient's overseer. Here, the patient necessities to give a medicine, the subtleties of which have been given to him by a specialist to a page, after which the framework will store the heaviness of every tablet just as the all out weight of medication. At the hour of medication admission as indicated by the GSM module, the tablet will be determined by a 16-digit LCD screen, alongside a buzzer sound. The weight change is processed with the assistance of a gadget called a load cell subsequent to taking the medication and afterward contrasted with the past complete weight. The framework will send an affirmation email, i.e, an instant message to the patient and his overseer assuming any, subsequently, broke down dependent on changes in the heaviness of tablets.




