Web Controlled Notice Board


  • Purva Jadhav
  • Aneeksha Jain, Archana Chaugule, Santosh Rathod


Connection, notice board, webpage, wi-fi


From the past few years, Wi-Fi had become the popular source of the internet for the entire society. Wi-Fi connection had proven to be the fastest medium of connection via the internet. Millions of people across the globe are connected via the Wi-Fi connection. In workplaces, to work on a common space, Wi-Fi is the best solution for that. Many computers can be easily connected to each other with the aid of Wi-Fi connection. The primary goal of this paper is to generate a hands-free wireless notice board which can be easily available for students as well as faculty in schools and colleges. The faculty can be easily able to write down the latest notices and announcements on the notice board without actually taking a print and putting it on the notice board. Here, the students will be notified about the announcements in the webpage. It is a smart and user-friendly notice board where students can easily find the information about everything taking place in the college, the events, exam notices, etc. The announcements can be made via an android application or a webpage. Herein, we have displayed the notices through the webpage. One of the goals of this notice board is to increase the pace of communication. Also, a lot of time and resources are saved because of this notice board.




