An Approach for Formant Synthesis of Kannada



  • Mr. Alfred Vivek D’Souza
  • Dr. D. J Ravi


Consonant-Vowel (CV), Co-articulations, Formant synthesis, Kannada speech synthesis, Locus equations, Text To Speech (TTS)


Formant Synthesis is one of the ways of producing artificial speech using a digital computer. Artificial or synthetic speech is commonly used in Text To Speech (TTS) conversion systems and in various Human Machine Interfaces (HMI). A very good example of usage of synthetic speech is in automatic public address or announcement systems that are commonly found in railway stations, airports, bus stations, banks, malls etc., This paper presents a method of synthesizing Kannada speech utterances such as Vowels, Semi-vowels, Diphthongs, Consonants and Consonant-Vowel (CV) co-articulations that forms the building block of a fully functional Formant Synthesizer for Kannada language. A Klatt type formant synthesizer implemented using C# .NET is employed for producing these utterances in this work. PRAAT tool is used to perform analysis and obtaining the control parameters needed for generating various utterances. A total of 192 utterances including 10 vowels, 2 diphthongs and 180 CV co-articulations were synthesized and of which 176 were correctly identified in perception test giving an accuracy of 91.67% on an average. Formant synthesizer allows more prosody control of synthesized utterances over other methods of speech synthesis and hence this work can serve as a guide to researchers trying to develop a functional format synthesizer for Kannada language.




