A Smart Farm Monitoring and Control System using Wireless Communication Protocol
Control system, Signal, Smart farm, Wireless communication, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)Abstract
Agriculture is one of the most important sectors that accounts for economic growth in developing countries of the world. Many developing countries are now focusing on agricultural development, yet climate change, drought, and flooding are just a handful of the issues the industry faces. These lead to low agricultural output production. By utilizing Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) to increase irrigation and flooding monitoring and management, this endeavor will create a strong smart system that will increase agricultural productivity. As part of the system's deployment, temperature, soil moisture, and water level sensors integrated with Arduino-based instrumentation will be used to track the agricultural environment and wirelessly send information to the base station. The base station shall evaluate the received data and either activate or deactivate the irrigation or drainage pump using specified threshold values. The remote reporting of the state of the farm shall be done by deploying a 900 MHz transmitter interfaced with the system’s controller. This work shall be validated using an experimental test bed, which shall be used for field experiments, data collection, and evaluation. The result of the work shall highlight the potential of WSN technology in monitoring and controlling technology of both irrigation and flooding within the farm and turn boost productivity.