Design of High Performance and Area Optimized ALU using 18nm UDSM Reversible Logic


  • Mr. M. Maria Rubiston
  • Dr. N. Anusha


ALU, CMOS, Energy, Feynmann gate, Reversible logic


Energy is dissipated in conventional complementary metal oxide semiconductor circuits (CMOS), resulting in power dissipation. When considering low power design, this type of energy dissipation falls under the category of power dissipation and plays a crucial role. Reversible logic-based circuits aid in heat dissipation reduction, bigger circuit density, practically energy-free computation, and enhanced fault testing. A design for a Reversible 4-bit ALU is proposed in this study. The control unit and adder unit are the two major units of a 4-bit ALU. The most essential aspect of this research is that, when compared to previous ALU designs, this one will use less power, gate count, speed, and transistors. At a value of the propagation latency should be greatly reduced. Microwind Dsch2 18nm technology software was used for simulation and verification of the suggested design.




