SWIPT Based Cognitive Radio Wireless Networks with Alternate Relaying


  • Partha Pratim Paul
  • Israt Mahi Sumiya


Alternate relaying, cognitive radio, SWIPT


Wireless energy networks can be self-sustaining by harvesting energy from ambient radio frequency (RF) signals. In this paper, an alternate relay network energy harvested received from primary and secondary source where highest-transmit-power relay selection (HTPRS) protocol is used for path selection. A spectrum sharing scenario is considered for an underlay cognitive relay network where a secondary transmitter (ST) communicates with its secondary receiver (SR) or destination (SD) via two decode-and-forward secondary relays (SR) in the presence of interference from primary transmitter (PT). Two alternate relays at each hop are energy harvesting with co-operative transmission scheme are obtained to alternately forward source data to the destination using the two-path successive relaying (TPSR) protocol. Using the power-splitting (PS) technique, an alternate relay forwards the previous data or signal and other alternate relay will harvest energy and decode the current data from the received composite signal. To measure the impression of different system parameter on the proposed network an accurate expression for the outage probability for the secondary network (SN) is derived: 1) For the first time slot, primary and secondary sources are transmitted to signal data. 2) For the even time slot, an alternate relay works to send the data to receiver while other relay works on harvesting the energy. 3) For odd time slot, secondary relay energy harvested and transmitted to secondary receiver or destination and again primary and secondary source are transmitted the signal or data to alternate relay. 4) For odd time slot, an alternate relay received a signal and finally transmitted to primary and secondary destination.




