Automatic Seed Sowing Machine using Arduino UNO


  • Bhad Pankaj Arjun
  • Date Samadhan Dnyaneshwar, S. S. Pangam


Arduino board with microcontroller (ATmega328), battery (6V,1.2A), DC motor, decoder (HT12D), encoder (HT12E), motor driver (L293D), RF module (transmitter and receiver), water pump motor


The present time is walking towards the quick development of all parts including the farming area. The farmers are thought today that sow the seeds in the period of season, also it will not be time consuming and increasing crop productivity. There various techniques use for seed sowing like ox, manual and tractor. This technique is too good but which is required need of labours. Today availability of labours has very difficult. Due to this sowing of seeds in period of season is not done. Due to such reason affect crop productivity of land and also the more money is required to labours. We have developed such machine which is totally automatic. In this we have used Arduino board embedded with microcontroller (ATmega328). We can use this by standing particular place up to 100 meters range by means of RF receiver RF transmitter (433 MHz). As per the movement of accelerometer (ADXL335), machine steered by DC motors to drive wheels with the help of Arduino board. It sows the seeds which is on particular distance. The main achievement of this project is that it can sow the seeds only in forward direction as well as water the ground or field simultaneously. Whatever, decoded data coming from IC HT12D it steers the pump motor and DC motor. All operations are monitored and control by microcontroller (ATmega328) with the help of different modules like RF transmitter, RF receiver and ADXL335 as well as different ICs like HT12E, HT12D, L293D, 7805 etc.




