Energy Efficient And High-Speed Approximate Multiplier Using Rounding Technique


  • V.Chandran
  • B.Elakkiya


Round-off, Approximate, Energy consumption Rounding Based Approximate Multiplier (RoBA), Power Delay Product (PDA)


Consumption of Energy is the major factor, in the various processing application like DSP, ASIC, and FPGA. The motive of this work is to approximate the multiplication process. The multiplier operands are rounding off to the two power N format which is nearest to the input values. With a small penalty of error, the speed and energy considerably increased. Literature survey reveals that earlier works are based on modifying the structure or complexity reduction of a specific accurate multiplier. This multiplier leads to better error rate when compared with other multipliers. So the rounding based inexact multiplication provides high speed and energy efficient for various processors. The hardware architecture is constructed for the approximate multiplication process for all possible multiplications using Quartus II 10.0 tools. The area, speed, and timing analysis are performed for this approach and for some existing accurate and approximate multipliers. The proposed 8-bit RoBA multiplier multiplication offers better efficiency in energy consumption when compared with other existing accurate and approximate multipliers. Furthermore, the area is compacted well besides it provides the reduction in Power Delay Area (PDA). In future, the capability of approximate RoBA multiplier was processed in the various processing in images.




