Analysis and Comparison of Digital Image Compression Algorithms Combined with Huffman Encoding
SPIHT, algorithms, encoding, EZW, waveletAbstract
SPIHT (Set Partitioning In Hierarchical Tree) has become the most effective image compression tool computationally in no time among all the other algorithms, because it boosts the operating potency, reduces its complexness, gets implemented in code and hardware simply. In this paper, a special approach to the initial SPIHT algorithm that relies on Set Partitioning in Row/Column-wise (SPIR) rule has been proposed and compared to EZW method. This rule is well implementable compared to the BP-SPIHT (Block-based pass parallel SPIHT algorithm) and alternative compression techniques. This algorithm applies on wavelet decomposed image, followed by verification of the row/column wise constituent values. Output bit stream of SPIR encoding rule, combined with Huffman encoding, presents a simple and effective methodology.